Why A Lawyer Is The Best Option In Case Of The Claims

In the event that you become involved in a traffic accident, the first good rule of thumb is to try and keep as calm as possible. Once we have dealt with the urgent measures (notify rescue, secure the accident site) we can take care of the insurance aspects. Here are our answers and our advice to the most frequently asked questions. From the best car accident attorney you can find the best deal now. From the best Lawyers you can now find the perfect choices.

What Is The Accident Report And When Is It Used?

The friendly finding of an accident or CAI (“blue form”) is a standard model that should always be filled in at any point, even when the police have intervened at the scene of the accident. The purpose of the finding is not so much to establish whose fault it is, but to put what happened in black and white. If the versions provided by the parties do not agree, it is advisable not to sign the form. If necessary, two separate observations can also be completed. The best Lawyer can guide you out there now.

For some years, the mark has no longer been displayed on the windshield. How can we identify the insurance company of the parties involved?

If it is not possible to simply show the mark (also in digital form), you can access the motorist’s portal at the Ministry of Transport. By entering the license plate number, you can check where the vehicle is insured. In this case the law firm works perfectly.

How Long Does It Take To Report The Accident To Your Insurance?

The report must be submitted to your agency or insurance company within three days from the date of the accident. From the law firms now you can get all the supports.

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How Does Compensation For Damage Work? 

Damage compensation procedures are essentially two. The “direct compensation” only applies to accidents between two motor vehicles, registered in Italy and regularly insured (cars, trucks, mopeds, as well as motorcycles). With this system, the injured party is compensated directly by his insurer without having to contact the counterparty or the latter’s insurance company.

If the conditions for direct compensation do not exist, for example because more than two vehicles are involved in the accident, the injured party must request the payment of damages from the insurer of the other party. We have prepared a facsimile of “Request for damages to the company of the counterparty and / or the counterparty”, available. The best attorney can take care of you in every possible manner.

What Happens If The Person Responsible For The Accident Escapes?

If the person causing the accident escapes, thus preventing his identification, the injured person can access the CD. Guarantee fund for road fatalities. Generally speaking, this Fund only compensates personal injury. However, in the event of serious personal injury, it also compensates for damage to property the amount of which is greater than 500 euros. From the best attorneys you will be having the smartest solution in this case.

What Happens In The Event Of An Accident Caused By A Foreign Vehicle?

In the event of an accident in Italy caused by a vehicle with a foreign number plate, the direct compensation procedure cannot be applied. The responsibility for this type of claim lies with the Italian Central Office (UCI), to which the injured party must submit his / her claim for compensation by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt. The UCI then proceeds to contact the foreign insurer, who in turn appoints an Italian insurance company to deal with the accident. The use of the legal steps is essential now. A personal lawyer is the most important factor here.

What Happens In The Event Of An Accident Abroad?

An EU directive obliges insurance companies to appoint an agent to settle claims in each country of the European Economic Area, with the exception of the country in which they have their registered office. Thanks to this legislation, residents in Italy who have been victims of a road accident abroad an accident that occurred in a country of the Green Card System and caused by a vehicle registered and insured in a country in the European Economic Area – can request compensation damage directly to the representative appointed in Italy by the company with which the person responsible for the accident is insured. To find out the name of the foreign insurance and that of its agent, you can contact the IVASS Information Center. You can go for the lawyer near me and find the best one.

Who Should The Passenger Transported And Who Is Responsible For The Damage They Have Suffered?

The passenger transported is always protected by the RC-car policy of the vehicle on which he traveled, regardless of the responsibility of the driver in the accident.

What Happens If The Assessment Of Responsibilities Is Unclear?

In case of doubt, responsibility for a road accident is passed on to both parties involved. Therefore it is assumed, until proven otherwise, that there is a 50% guilt contest. This means that each of the two drivers will receive a refund equal to half of the damage suffered.

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